The Moon is full @ 9 degrees Libra
The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A cook fixing vegetable soup from a myriad of ingredients.” The cook makes a multi-ingredient soup, which is one thing containing many things. So many things play into relating. This degree knows that in any relationship certain ingredients must dominate. If the pepper dominates, many people will not like the soup. If the flavors are balanced, the soup is wonderful – and many enjoy it.
This degree likes to use many different topics and types of energy for the purpose of relating, and experiments with trying to find the right mix that is the most flavorful. The free coming and going of energies in this process is much like breathing, which takes in and distributes energy, and, if one is sensitive to the restrictions and limitations of the process and flows with wherever the energy seems to want to go, can be wonderfully rejuvenating. ~ John Sandbach

#1 What's in the Light?
#2 What's in Darkness?
#3 What needs to be released?
#4 What needs to be fulfilled?